What's New

We are constantly updating the app to help you get the most out of golf and your mobile device. Be sure to let us know if there are any problems or improvements you'd like to see.

Version 28 (latest release)

-Removed the ability to create scoreacrds for golf courses not in our database. Previously, when creating a scorecard, you could type in the field and continue without selecting a course. This would create a custom scorecards and some confusion. Now you MUST select a golf course from the autocomplete. Since our database is quite comprehensive, this should rarely be a problem.
-When using GPS and we did not have the hole coordinates, it would not render the distance between the golfer and the tap point. It will now always render regardless of hole locations.
-Minor Bug fixes and minor improvements

Version 27

-Redesigned the golf course "Like/UnLike". It was difficult to find previously.

Version 26

-New mobile help screens (You're reading it now)
-Implemented tee time booking and checkout
-Bug fixes and minor improvements