jQuery.mb.scrollable ©2002 - 2009 Matteo Bicocchi 1.7.0 reformat code: Cleaned up the methods to get the index (now all refers to the gotoPage method); added “loadCallback”, “changePageCallback”. 1.6.0 Safari bugfix: adjusted dimensions to prevent non int value. 1.5.7 minor ISSUE: added "goToPage" method. Allow to jump to a specific page. 1.5.5 minor ISSUE: added two callback functions: nextCallback and prevCallback. solved an align problem. 1.5.2 minor fix for IE7: added float left to elements in the component for the unsupported inline-block attr on display. 1.5.1 minor fix: changed "dir:orizontal" in "dir:horizontal". 1.5 Major issue: introduced the vertical scroll modality controlled by a new parameter "dir". 1.0 First release